Czech Eagle Mountains free camp

Back to Nature

If you love or want to discover Europe or Czech republic or Orlické hory
and If you LOVE nature you will be welcome.

If you don't want to stay at open space in nature without permition you can stay at our free in our natura camp.

Just let me know about more than one months or at least one week before
and if you receive Yes just enjoy our meadow with tent or without.

sorry for mobile "photo"

Natural Camp!
About 40 m from tent place is very small brok and about 150 m is normal brook.
Small parking place for two cars is about 150 m away.

Bus stop is about 300 meters from this lovely place.
About 200 m away is natural climbing wall with a few meshes and about 12 m high.
Our mini "camp" is situated just below Eagle mt. no more than 4 or 5 km by walk.

We prefer if there stay one group of people in one time but sometimes no problem more.

Our simple simple tent site is situated in Czech republic.
About 7 km from town Dobruška.
Close to village Kamenice, Spáleniště, Sudín.
At the foot of the Eagle Mountains.
About 410 m a.s.l.
Near two streams, forest.

Some details about our area Orlické hory (Eagle Mountains)

Beautiful Nature - Protected Landscape Area (PLA)

Orlické Hory PLA is a remarkably conserved landscape, which is formed by the edge of the Orlické Hory mountains, the slopes in front of and behind it and partly by the scenic foothills. Velká Deštná is the highest peak. It rises 1,115m above the sea level. The mean altitude is 789m ...

Eagle Mountains - and foothills

Adlergebirge - und vorgebirge

Góry Orlickie

Orlické hory

If you want to walk to Velká Deštná (1115m) from your tent it is about 15 km and take about 5 - 6 hours.

List of peaks in the Orlické Mountains - Seznam vrcholů v Orlických horách

• Velká Deštná (1115 m)
• Koruna (1101 m)
• Malá Deštná (1090 m)
• Vrchmezí (1084 m)
• Jelenka (1083 m)
• Sedloňovský vrch (1050 m)
• Tetřevec (1043 m)
• U Kunštátské kaple (1041 m)
• Kamenný vrch (1037 m)
• Šerlich (1027 m)
• Marušin kámen (1044 m)
• U Kunštátské kaple JV (1040 m)
• Nad Bukačkou (1035 m)
• Šerlich JV (1019 m)
• Homole (1000 m)
• Špičák (841 m)
• Smolův kopec (657 m)

source: Seznam vrcholů v Orlických horách
            Seznam vrcholů v Podorlické pahorkatině

Sometimes you must be able to prove your identity before you arrive.
It is possible with for example couchsurfing, facebook or send just 1 Kč or 1 USD to our account from your private account.

sorry for mobile "photo"

Free Camping Near You | Go Camping for Free

Back to Nature

Natura camp meadow

The Orlické Mountains or Eagle Mountains

Czech: Orlické hory, Polish: Góry Orlickie, German: Adlergebirge

If you really need or want electricity in exceptional cases, we may agree


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